Additional Security Training..

All AB2820 Courses and SB1626 School Campus Security Training.

Courses in this category:

This course goes extensively into Observation and Report Writing. It is a AB2820 course credited at 4 hours. this...

This course is designed for CA school campus security officers K-12 and Community Colleges. This course meets and...

This course goes extensively into Public Relations. It is a AB2820 course credited at 4 hours. this course is a...

This course goes extensively into legal and liability issues in the security world. It is a AB2820 course credited at 4 ...

This course goes extensively into communications and its devices in the security world. It is a AB2820 course credited...

This course is credited for the BSIS requirement for continuing education and is credited for 4 hours.

This is a BSIS accredited course for 4 hours and meets and exceeds the AB2820 requirement. 

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